Titanium and tungsten CNC machined parts for biomedical purposes
Special CNC machining for Biomedical purposes

Tungsten is a hard, rare metal with chemical symbol W. It is also known as "Wolfram".
It has many unique properties, for example, the melting point of Tungsten is the highest of any element yet discovered, its density is 19.3 times that of water and comparable to the density of uranium or gold. It is nearly 2x denser than lead.

It is widely used in radiopharmacy applications for example, but not limited to this. You can use it in each specific use where you need high density and you have not enough room.

At Engmotion we developed, thank to the partnership with top customers in biomedical world, the whole process to craft very precise parts for specific applications.
We succeeded after intensive testing and processes validation. It is really not an easy material to handle and still more if you need to gain 0.01 mm tolerances or less and you have very high tolerances on weight as well.

Different approaches must be considered according the final specified use.
Sharing this knowledge is a pleasure. If you need more info about this, please feel free to write to: cnc@engmotion.com

Titanium grade 5 is for sure the most widely used material in our actual production of specialized parts for biomedical industries, where our customers want to use a nobler or more technical material than AISI 316L
CNC machined is very similar to that applied to AISI 316L with some specific tuning.
Thanks to high end calibrations and jigs preparation is possible to fullfill very demanding requests.
All starts from a responsible and careful mechanical design!